Starting blocks - HomeWizard 10 van Noordwijk

Starting blocks

Starting Fast We Can, But Can You Run At A Constant Pace?








Everyone knows it: the frenzy of the start at a running race. Crowds, adrenaline, and sometimes even dangerous situations in the first few dozen metres. Falls and injuries are no exception. To prevent this, the HomeWizard 10 of Noordwijk works with starting squares divided by level. This not only increases safety, but also ensures a better race experience for everyone.

This is because many runners start too fast due to enthusiasm or overestimation, resulting in them ‘breaking down’ later and setting a mediocre finishing time. By classifying the start boxes by level, we will help you schedule your race smartly and run consistently.

Start boxes: Race Smart, Start Well

For fast race runners, there are special starting boxes. Did you run a race under 42 minutes (men) or 45 minutes (women) between 2022 and 2024? Then you can apply for a special sticker for start box 1 or 2. This sticker will be placed on your start number as proof of your qualification.

On race day, you can collect your sticker from the athlete coordinators, Rob van Rooijen or Paul Barnhoorn (recognisable by the red cap). They will be by the Racetimer bus in the start and finish area on Wilhelmina Boulevard. Be ready and race smart!

Information and request for the start area of ​​the athletes' competition (with proof of where and the running time), Paul Barnhoorn



There are three levels of starting boxes:
Section 1. Competitive runners (with special sticker*) level Men faster than 38'.00" and Women 41'.00"
Section 2. Competition runners (with special sticker*) level Men faster than 42'.00", and Women 45'.0" and the Business runners.
Section 3. Runners Men + 42'.00" and Women + 45'.00"


PLEASE NOTE that the starting areas are closed 5 minutes before the start.

The starting areas are indicated by indication signs and competition staff.




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